K종교 동영상
아카데믹 센터

ACKR-on은 온라인을 통해 전세계 누구나
한국의 종교와 관련된 강좌를 무료로 들을 수 있는
온라인 공개강좌 서비스 (MOOC) 입니다.



  • 1

    Secure specific and realistic images and research results for Korean religion ('K-religion'). This is observed not only in Korean traditional religion, but also in Korea, and many people participate directly or indirectly. It includes all religious theories and activities in practice.

  • 2

    K-religious research materials and lectures are digitized and visualized. Through digital video data archives such as documentaries and interview videos, It seeks effective diffusion and sustainable preservation.

  • 3

    All online and offline data of Korean religions are provided in English at the same time, and will gradually be expanded to other local languages. Through this, the global 'K-religious network' of Korean religious research will be established.